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Beating Procrastinations

“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”

― Abraham Lincoln

People perpetually believe that avoiding a situation is the simplest way out. We consistently make excuses, do activities that are not needed, and even extend our "rest days" as if we had a lot of time on our hands. However, avoiding and putting off duties is the worst response a person can do. Imagine this; you have a week to complete your law assignment, five days to complete your accounting one, and three days to finish a paperwork required for your school records.

It's a little bit excessive, right? Despite this, as deadlines approach, you decide to unwind and finish everything last minute. Oh, no! You appear to be far too guilty. Don't worry; It's understandable. In order for you to beat procrastination and become better in handling your workloads; here are 6 tips you can do.

TIP 1: You’re the only one in charge of your goals

Remember that you are the only one who can determine your goals. Goals are the things we want to accomplish. It could be for a short or long period of time. Setting a goal can help you maintain a positive outlook and give you something to look forward to each day. Having this set of goals allows us to wake up knowing what we need to do rather than waking up and wasting the day.

You can start by writing down simple daily goals on a sticky note or on your to-do list, and I can tell you that checking that little box is the most satisfying thing ever! It boosts our motivation to achieve more the next day by giving us a sense of productivity.

Can't wait to cross "stop procrastination" off your to-do list? Let's proceed on to the next point!

TIP 2: Ask yourself if you’re afraid of success

People are reported to be afraid of success for a variety of reasons, including fear of change, fear of high expectations, and fear of working endlessly. Many people aspired to be successful, but many preferred to dream rather than act on their ambitions. People are terrified of success, according to Denis Waitley, since success is heavy and comes with a lot of responsibility. As a result, people tend to live by the mantra "someday I will" because it is much easier than taking a step forward toward success.

Everyone's path to success is lengthy and winding. You can't get to the peak of the mountain without beginning at the bottom and overcoming hurdles and hardships. Is it possible to glide and jump to the top and land? We'll never know, but according to Tony Robins, "The only impossible journey is the one you never begin."

So what do you say? Are you afraid of success?

TIP 3: Practice positive talk

Self-talk reveals a lot about who you are as a person. It is made up of your ideas, beliefs, and thoughts. It is beneficial for you to practice positive thinking in order to improve your overall well-being and performance. It is stated that changing the way we talk to ourselves is the most effective approach to combat procrastination, and becoming conscious of our internal monologues can help us transform them into productive statements. Two examples of positive self-talk are "I may hate this, but I'll finish it before I watch Netflix," and "I haven't done well on this in the past, but I'll learn to do it well." Doesn't it sound nice?

So, before we move on to tip #4, could you please say, "I'm going to stop procrastinating and start doing it right now."

TIP 4: Figure out your deepest “why”

It takes a compelling motive for someone to act. The saying, "Think about WHY you started when you think about quitting" may seem cliché, yet it is an excellent technique to refocus your attention. There is a reason for everything you do. What motivates you to study? Is it because you want to get the greatest job possible or simply to make money? Why did you make the decision to go bungee jumping? Is it because you want to get rid of your phobia? We do a lot of things because we have a reason in mind for doing so, and returning to these "whys" can provide enough motivation.

The word "why" acts as a fuel for your car, driving you out of procrastination and toward efficiency.

TIP 5: Remember all progress is a progress

Many people imagine themselves to be successful, but only a few choose to act on their ideas. This is due to the fact that we think big. We have such a big plan and so many thoughts in our heads that we get overwhelmed and believe we can't execute it. It's as if we're too preoccupied looking at the whole staircase and forgetting that it takes one step at a time to reach the top. Another instance that may be used to describe this is a pile of laundry with various colors of clothing. You can't just toss everything in the same wash since it can be ruined. What you can do is simply segregate the colors and put them in the washer one at a time. Eventually, you will come to realize that there is no more laundry left.

So, have you scheduled your "laundry" day yet? :>

TIP 6: Figure out what you choose to do when you procrastinate

Self-awareness and realization of procrastinating is an advantage to stop it, but still it is not that easy to do so. What you can do is to identify the reasons behind your procrastination and use it to identify appropriate strategies to manage and overcome it. Some example is to promise yourself a reward. You can reward yourself after doing a certain task like having a nice dessert or check out item on Shopee and notice how good it feels to finish things. You can also minimize distractions by turning off your social media or putting your phone on focus mode while you do your work and use different task and time management apps such as Trello and Toggle.

Hey! Put that phone into focus mode and do your thing!

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