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#SulatronikoSabado: Asynchronous Workshop

Professional writing abilities are valued in the workplace, and those who are good writers communicate professionalism, intelligence, and competency. Poor writing skills create confusion, which leads to miscommunication; tone and intentions are frequently misunderstood. As a result, there may be ambiguity and contempt.

With those in mind, the JPMAP-PLM Chapter enlightened those struggling with written communication and provided them with a well-paced learning platform that stimulates and eventually improves their writing abilities. Furthermore, the students used this workshop as a learning material or reference on how they could effectively communicate their concerns to their professors and those in position. The workshop was purely asynchronous, so the students could use their time more freely during the activity - to learn without getting stressed. They maximized their communication and writing skills while enjoying the prepared activities. The event served as an opportunity for PLM students, particularly those majoring in Human Resource Management and Operations Management, and they learned more about professional email communication and how to perform it effectively, as they will be future professionals.

The 3-day asynchronous workshop was conducted on MS Teams and Gmail on November 13, 20, and 27, 2021.

“In the world that remote working is inevitable, and you need to find a job that will suit you. You will be needing to contact your employer or send an email of your application via email.”

The key to positive feedback is through writing professional emails. With vast technology, sending messages to many different people is a lot easier now! Not only that, but it is also a lot easier to gain responses from others as well. The first day of the event introduced the students to writing emails. This included the types of email, examples of formal email, when and when not to use emails, importance and tips in writing, advantages of using emails, and the components of an email.

“Learning is a continuous pathway where we pick flowers of knowledge along the way.”

Let us be furnished with the thought that good communication comes with proper etiquette, it is not about just channeling all your achievements or being too pleased with oneself. As future professionals, we don’t want to appear unethical in our workplace, especially the way we deliver our message either in verbal or non-verbal form of communication.

The second day of the asynchronous workshop equipped our Junior Managers with proper email etiquette. Also the workshop included some basic elements of a professional email writing and professional formal email sample formats.

“Practice writing effective and professional email engaged by the right strategy that will expand your network and become a more effective communicator with every email you send!”

Did you know that you could be shortlisted or rejected for an interview based on the way you email your application letter especially for applying for a job? Since you have taken the utmost efforts to prepare and practice the frequently asked interview questions, you would not want to lose the big opportunity just because your e-mail did not look appropriate.

The last day of #SulatronikoSabado workshop, strengthened the students' knowledge with some Additional Email Writing Tips that will surely help them professionalize their emails, more easily understood, less likely to require follow-up, and ultimately makes it easier. The workshop also guided them in writing and sending their Resume which is the important equipment in applying for their dream jobs.

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